CASA Rocks
Cornhole Tournament
The Annual CASA Rocks – Cornhole Tournament takes place September in Ellensburg, Washington. More information about this year’s event will be posted soon.
Back-to-School Supply Drive
We will be sending donated school supplies to Kittitas County Foster Children, APOYO, and the Kittitas County School Districts.
Back to school is a time for children and youth to be excited about their futures and to reconnect with stability, as they look forward to seeing their friends, teachers, and staff, and return to their extra-curricular activities.
The start of a new school year can be hectic for all types of families, but it is especially challenging for children in the child welfare system. For children who grapple with the trauma of being removed from their homes and their social-emotional well-being, or the loss of family members, the work of a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer continues to be essential now more than ever.
It’s no secret that the more prepared a child is for the new school year, the better they can learn and perform in school. The children and youth Court Advocates for Children serve are in need of school supplies as they transition to a new grade or new school.

To acknowledge the commitment, time, and compassion of CASA Advocates in Kittitas County. CASA Advocates’ Day (May 18th) provides an opportunity to honor and thank CASA Advocates who work hard to ensure children and youth, who have been placed in foster care, as a result of experiencing abuse or neglect, have their voices heard every day. This day also gives our community the chance to better understand the critical role a CASA advocate plays in the lives of young people, and inspire others to contribute their time to support children who may be in/or at risk of child welfare involvement.

National Child Abuse Prevention Campaign
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each year more than 4,300 children in Washington State and about 33 in Kittitas County experience abuse or neglect, ushering them into the dependency court and foster care systems. A child in foster care, on average, will move into multiple homes and attend multiple schools. All this chaos and inconsistency has long-term effects. As a result, the children are increasingly exposed to child abuse and neglect, parental intimate partner violence at home and sexual violence.

Quilts for a Cause
Over the past five years, Debbie has sewn more than 300 quilts donating many to local nonprofits and sending dozens to friends and relatives serving as a “warm hug” or to mark a sweet milestone.
Please come by the Gard in April during normal business hours to view Debbie Schmit’s beautiful quilts. Proceeds from the quilt sale will be donated to Court Advocates for Children.